2024 Social Events
Let’s continue to make the BRC the heart of your summer social scene. Our summer days and nights are jam-packed with activities and events - check out what we have planned that’s extra special! Check our calendar and your email/Facebook for events and event details! We'll publish flyers and separate sign-ups for those events with number limits and/or requiring reservations.

Java Jam
Sundae Sunday
Apps and Bags Night

Java Jam
Sundae Sunday
B'Ravinia Night

Java Jam
Sundae Sunday

Labor Day Picnic

Look for electronic sign-ups to help with any event, throughout the summer.
We are always looking for ideas and volunteers! In particular, we could use chairs for the following events:
Adult Member Java Jam Brunch - the second Sunday per month (x3) from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. during adult float time. The lead volunteer could either take care of setup themselves, or coordinate volunteers to bring and set up beverages and treats for the adults at the float once a month. (Funds for supplies will be provided by the BRC.)
Sundae Sundays - the fourth Sunday each month (x3) The lead volunteer will help to coordinate volunteers to set up and possibly serve bowls and spoons, ice cream, and toppings once a month. (Funds for supplies will be provided by the BRC.)